I have one thing to say and one thing alone. Tim Worstall is a bastard.
Why? I didn't get to sleep until dawn because I couldn't stop reading THE BOOK. I promised myself over and over that this would be the last page, the last article I read. I got to the point at which late night becomes early morning and began to do that little calculation in my head: if I go to sleep now I'll have to sleep until 11am to get 8 hours - which shortly becomes midday, 1pm, 2pm, and you suddenly hear the shower burst into life as the rest of the house prepares to go to work.
Of course most of the credit is due not to Tim but to the dozens of bloggers who wrote the original material. I had no idea the Anglosphere played host to such talented writers, and I applaud the editor for his excellent selections.
Now I'd better go for a brief nap. I've got July-November to get through tonight, and the human body can only go so long without sleep.
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